
Wherever you are on life’s journey, there is a place for you here.

Help First UMC Hampton in our mission.

Ready to make a gift, donation, or offering?

Why give?

We believe that generosity is a fruit of the Spirit, and that the spiritual practice of giving generously helps us to remember that every good gift comes from God, and we are stewards of the resources entrusted to us. For this reason, we take up an offering during worship and pray that our gifts will be used for God’s purposes in the world.

Do I have to give?

Giving is always at your discretion, as an act of gratitude in response to what you have received. If you are new or visiting, or if money is tight right now, please don’t feel pressured or embarrassed in any way; we are delighted to have you join us, regardless of whether or what you give!

Where does the money go?

When you make a financial gift to the church, it goes into the general operating fund, unless you designate it for a specific ministry or budget area. There are three main categories of spending: property (utilities, repairs, etc.), staffing (salaries for ministers, office and custodial staff), and program expenses (curriculum for Sunday school, supplies for Vacation Bible School, financial support to local and global organizations serving people in need). All of these categories are part of our church’s ministries with our local community and the wider world. For example, keeping our buildings in good repair enables us to host A Night’s Welcome each year, when people experiencing homelessness come to our campus for a hot dinner and hearty breakfast, showers, and space to sleep overnight for one week in the winter.

We appreciate whatever you are willing and able to give to God’s purposes through First UMC Hampton at this time!

Still have some questions?

No problem! We’d be glad to talk with you if you want to better understand how First UMC seeks to be faithful stewards of the resources entrusted to us. Contact us or call 757-723-6577.

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