Bible Study & Sunday School

Wherever you are on life’s journey, there is a place for you here.


First UMC Hampton values our tradition of studying the Bible to listen for God’s Word. On Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m., we offer two adult classes and one children’s class that all engage the Bible in different ways. In the fall and spring, we offer a short-term study focused on a theme or book of the Bible, held during the week. To learn more about any of the classes or studies listed below, please contact us.

Children’s Sunday School

The Children’s Sunday school class uses the Growing in God’s Love Story Bible and accompanying curriculum, which includes Bible stories, crafts, puzzles, and games that help children from age 3 through 5th grade to connect to the material. 

These classes are located in the Children’s Hallway, on the second floor of the Education Building. Parents/caregivers must drop off and pick up their children directly from class.

Happy People Class

Adults with developmental or intellectual disabilities gather for Bible study, singing and a fun activity and snack on Sunday morning. This is a ministry unique to downtown Hampton. This class is located downstairs in the Education Building, just across from the Fellowship Hall.

Adult Sunday School Class

A class for couples and singles of various ages, members choose material to study and rotate teaching responsibilities. Class sessions include lecture, discussion and interaction. This class is located in the Fellowship Hall.



Bible Study

Pastor Norman leads an hour long Bible Study on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Check out our News & Calendar page for the latest updates.

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Sign up below to receive the Zoom links and instructions for either of these groups, or call the church office (757-723-6577) to learn more.